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    Team of expert Coaches

    From an early age, sport has been a great passion of mine. After playing professional football for 7
    years, I started following sports courses in the fitness industry. Through my own experiences, I
    understand that the right mindset is often key to success. After my Personal Training course I
    followed a sport psychology course. It was clear to me that mentality is sometimes even more
    important than purely physical or technical qualities. This belief has inspired me to use my experience
    and insight in our studios. I am convinced that insights of customers feelings are crucial for an
    effective guidance.By sharing my own journey, I offer more than just training; namely inspiration and
    understanding. As a former professional athlete, I understand the obstacles and pressures people go
    through. This allows me to motivate and support others on a level that goes beyond purely physical
    training. In short, I use my experience and insight from this professional world to help others achieve
    their goals, whatever the path to success may be

    My love for sports and exercising is huge, so it is very common for me to do it on a daily basis. For
    me it was the most obvious choice to follow the Sports and Exercise course at ROC. Followed by
    an All-round Masseur and Personal Trainer course. For many years I have also been active as a
    water polo professional.During this period I always helped younger teammates to a higher level. In
    addition to being a personal trainer and masseur, I am still active as a water polo player,
    although no longer as a professional. As a personal trainer, I would like to help people achieve
    their goals by consciously making healthier choices, both physically and mentally.




    I have a passion for sports that is deeply rooted in my life. My journey started with a course at CIOS.
    During my studies, I chose the Personal Trainer elective, which allowed me to delve into helping others
    achieve their fitness goals. My involvement in the sports industry has always been active. I have played
    both recreationally and at a high level, and my background includes both football and martial arts.
    These experiences have not only honed my skills, but also fueled my love for health and wellness. I
    currently fulfill the role of branch manager as well as coach in Amstelveen. In this position I can
    combine my knowledge and passion for sports by inspiring and guiding others on their own fitness
    journey. I strongly believe in the power of sport to change lives and am determined to help others
    realize their potential, both physically and mentally.


    My passion for sports has been in my life from an early age.I started playing football at a young
    age and until a year ago I was very active doing this. In addition, I have been developing myself in
    thefitness industry over the past 2 years. I noticed that I get a lot of satisfaction by doing fitness.
    By challenging myself, but also involvingothers. Such as guidance, young people asking for my
    opinion or explaining the exercises. Ultimately I am helping them achieving theirgoals. I did my
    internships at a different gyms, but at Motivated City – as an intern, I felt comfortable from the
    beginning.I have now been employed at Motivated City for a couple of months and I mainly work at
    studio Amsterdam.As a coach, I like to give my knowledge to our clients to help them take a step in
    the right direction.I am very convinced that exercising on a daily basis makes people much more
    fitter, both mentally and physically.
